Written on 1:28 PM by gracefully discovering:

I meant to post this yesterday...but I was so ready to leave work and go vote..I left my computer at work!

Anyway- yesterday was a very emotional day for me. I casted my vote for the FIRST BLACK MAN TO EVER RUN ON A PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. As I drove down 518 in Pearland and saw HUMONGOUS McCain/Palin signs and all the other Republican candidates, I thought to myself...where are all of the Democratic signs?...I mean not even a Rick Noriega sign in sight. I am very aware that Texas is a very RED state...but I at least thought that I would see more signs...maybe it's because I live in Pearland. Nonetheless, as I drive up to the voting poll, a Republican candidate is there campaigning 100 feet from the door...and he hands me a flyer asking me for my vote. I'm thinking...wow this is pretty good that he is out here campaigning until the last second to get his votes...not that I was casting my vote for him..but I still thought it was kinda cool.

Anyway- I get in...no line...and I walk to the booth. Now my initial thought was I wonder if someone can take a picture of me voting ( I know..I'm always trying to take a picture) but then I thought that its probably against voting rules or something. I am so proud....the most proud of this Country that I have ever been...and I bet no one is going to come after me for saying it like they did Michelle Obama...BC little ol' doesn't have a husband running for President.

My friend Nicoley made a really good point about wanting to wait until 11/4 to vote so that she could be a part of such a historic day...and I feel her on that...but I'm more nervous that something shady is gonna go down that day...and all the polls in Brazoria county are going to mysteriously be broken or something. I don't know...call me crazy...or just call me Black in America! I am still very honored and proud to have voted yesterday and am anxiously awaiting 11/4. I really want to have a results watch party at my house....sounds like a good idea.
My friends (as John McCain says) it's time for me to go home! GO VOTE..EARLY!
Deadline for early voting in Texas is 10.31.08

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