Why Lawd Why is my Electric Bill so High??!!


Written on 9:25 AM by gracefully discovering:

I don't get it! Why is our electric bill almost $300 bucks and we aren't even home that much. Both of us get home around 6pm...while we are gone- LIGHTS ARE OFF AND SO IS THE AIR! When we are at home, we don't leave lights on in rooms that we are not in, and the air is at a reasonable temperature...we even set the timer to the TV so that it's not on all through the night!
Now that sounds like some pretty conservative electric handlers to me! I think it's a conspiracy. There is no way that we could have possibly run up a bill that high. Maybe the rates have been jacked up since gas prices are rising or because the economy is bad. But I never got a letter in the mail telling me that our rates were changing.
I think I'm gonna have to start using candles like my good friend Sarita suggested! I mean, it's a shame...I don't even want to pay it. Not because we cant afford it- but the freaking idea of dropping $300 on any bill that's not mortgage, car note or credit card just annoys me. But I guess I really don't have a choice do I?? We can't be in the darkness and we fo sho can't be without air...because we do live in Texas!
I guess I'll just call the electric company and complain...and threaten to leave for another company that has lower rates...and see how they can compensate me! Works every time!

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  1. Loving Life |

    Girl I am tripping to. In the 7yrs that I have been in Augusta in 4 different apartments, I have never had a bill as I as we do now. June bill was $137! When we got that I changed this around the house for real temperature, lights, you know some of the same things you mentioned. Girl got the bill in July and it went up $12 more dollars...O.M.G. Sure $149 is nothing compared to your $300, but we live in an apartment that is smaller than our previous apartments. I feel you on not wanting to drop that cash, b/c I don't either. I have never had a bill over $100, and now I have one for $150 are you serious?

  2. IAD |

    a programmable thermostat helps a lil...I've heard that leaving it on all day at a higher setting helps. 78 is what we leave ours on during the day. They say that the further you are away from 78 that's the higher your bill will be. I'm in that $3++ range right now. Man I wish we had a real winter.


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