The Real Housewives of Brazoria County


Written on 1:41 PM by gracefully discovering:

I think I'm gonna start a new group for stay at home wives/moms...since I have decided after being off work for 2 weeks...that I enjoy doing absolutely NOTHING. As mentioned in a post a few months back- I probably wouldn't be a good stay at home wife/mom because I don't do a damn thing! I don't clean up, I don't cook for my hubby and have the food ready when he walks through the door! Instead, I sleep and lie in bed until about 12. Watch TV for a few more hours, then finally get dressed and by the time I get up and going...he's home!! It's wonderful! I mean, this is the life I think I was made for! Just chillen!!
This morning I had to get up and go back to work. I wasn't exactly happy about that! I have been sleeping in for the past couple of weeks and my body wasn't ready for the early morning rush. But I guess I have no choice.....we'll just have to readjust!
But if anyone is interested in starting this real housewives group...let me know...hey, we may even get a show!! Who knows.

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1 Comment

  1. Living Whimsically |

    Real Housewives....that would be hillarious, but sooooo much fun!!But you as a housewife? Hmmmmm, lets say NO!!


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