Call the SPCA


Written on 8:31 AM by gracefully discovering:

Okay, I have to confess to the world today...that I have to be the worst doggie mommy in the history of the world. Seriously, I'm being a little over dramatic right now...but it was pretty bad!Last night, I let Ryan out for his evening bathroom check....and before I went back upstairs...I ATTEMPTED to let him back in. He acted like he didn't want to come in, so I gave him two more minutes. I opened the door again and he still stood there and looked at me kinda crazy- so I closed the door, cut the light off and went upstairs. When I got upstairs, I told the hubby that Ryan must have wanted to spend the night outside because he didn't come back in. My intentions were to give him about 30 minutes to play and then let him back in. WELL....I fell asleep and poor Ryan really spent the night outside in the cold.
Now some of you may be like..."girl please, it's a dog...they can sleep outside." And this I know, but Ryan is a little boughetto...even though he was found on the side of the street...he has transformed into a house dog all the way!
Moving on, I didn't realize that he was outside the entire time until I woke up at 6:30 this morning. When I let him in...he seemed fine- but when I went back downstairs he was curled up in the corner looking traumatized. Poor baby must have had some flashbacks of when he used to run the mean streets of Houston as a pup! I hope he feels better by the time I get home today. I feel terrible....I think I'm gonna go buy him a treat.

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  1. Living Whimsically |

    You need to buy him treats plus a double helping of his favorite food! He was probably ok, but like you said he is not used to it. You are going to be kissing up for a while for that!!!!

  2. All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo |

    have a blessed 2009 folk

    hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

    rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me


  3. IAD |

    Yes, you must buy him a treat to make up! lol

  4. Unknown |

    Maybe he'll think twice before refusing to come inside!!! :))))))


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