today will be a sad day


Written on 11:14 AM by gracefully discovering:

so today is first graduation here at YES. I thought my day would be filled with joy and relief that I am finally getting a break from waking up at 6:00am(well more like 6:20 as I try and squeeze in just a little more sleep), every monday- friday; relief from what can sometimes be a very emotionally draining job, relief from traffic in the morning, and most importantly relief from my daily cup of oatmeal...which appears to be the only thing I have time to eat- since I don't wake up early enough to make breakfast or eat cereal at home.

But it feels different for me. I'm sad.

I'm sad because of a very special group of girls that have really touched my life

I'm gonna go from seeing these girls at least 5 days a maybe...maybe if i'm lucky...5 days a year. We have all grown so close in such a short period of time and I am really going to miss them. They each have a very special place in my heart and have brought joy to my year in their own special way.

Here is what i'm going to miss:

*All of them coming to visit me every single day.....even when Mr. Hudley comes in and puts them out during lunch time.

*Taylor rambling off with a smidget of attitude on any given day!

*Keara looking for food in my office...then acting like she wasn't looking until I offer it to her!

*Nicole waiting for the food after Keara has taken it!

*Keara losing my things and then acting like its not her fault

*Nicole telling me constantly that she is not going to lose her job trying to hook me and my husband up with free popcorn and drinks at the movies!

*Nicole saying "oh uh-unh Mrs. Richardson

*Leah telling me she doesn't believe in counseling...after we had a 55 minute counseling session! and I told her that we just had counseling...and she said "forreal, well why didn't you say " so tell me how that makes you feel"! Hilarious

*Antwonette laughing like nobody's business...and not being able to stop

*Lynda bringing her moms queso and chips

*Lynda always asking questions after they have already been answered!

*Judy telling me that they are too loud in my office and that she has kids in the lab trying to learn!

*Cheerleading practice, games, attitude, tears and hot wings....dang..all of my cheerleaders are leaving...I have to recruit a whole new me Jesus!

*Them begging me to get them subway or whatever im eating for lunch

*Big hugs that show me that they LOVE me

*Nice post it notes left on my computer

*Them making cards for my husband when he passed the bar exam

*and of course me giving them the 411 on being a diva and a young lady...some of my famous quotes to them- that they always seem to talk about!

"Ladies, Ladies...Diva's do not take their shoes off...don't let me catch you walking around here barefeet" - at the prom

"Girl, why do you have that wrap scarf on and your hair is not even are not ghetto...take it off"- random days at school when some of them have scarfs on their heads.

"Ladies are seen and not don't have to be so loud honey"

"thanks, I try to do what I can do when I can do it"- after they tell me that my outfit is cute :)

Yes, we have had some great moments and I am going to miss them. I know that I will get a new group of chicas next year, but they will always be my very first group of favorite YES students.

All of them are going to great colleges next year: Creighton, Davidson, Syracuse, College of Wooster, Loyola in N.O, University of New Mexico and Harvard. I know that they all will be very successful, not just career wise, but successful in true happiness (words from Keara).

These are my girls and now they are leaving. Hopefully, i'll get to go and visit some of them at their respective colleges...but the way gas prices are...might not be looking so good!

This indeed is going to be a sad day. I'll make sure to have my tissue handy at graduation.

See ya later class of " will be greatly missed..I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!

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